25 September 2017

Why Could It Be that Believers are Sick?

Sin leads to death. But what leads to sin? The strength of sin is the law.

So obviously, for non-believers, because their sins have not be paid for, the law of sin and death is part of the journey they will go through in life. And this includes sicknesses and diseases. 

But what about believers who contract sicknesses, why would that be if their sins had already been paid for? Could it be that it is because they are still under the law and they believe in the law. Thus, in the natural, because law leads to sin and sin to death and it effects (sicknesses and diseases), by not knowing that they don't have to be under law, they subject themselves to the natural effects and progressions of it which includes sicknesses and diseases just like the non-believers. Because Christ is of no effect in their lives. Galatians 5:4 states that it is possible to be a believer but yet be estranged from Christ and have Christ made no effect in your lives because of the believe that they can be justified by the law.

Could this be why we still see believers being sick, contracting diseases and dying? Not because they have not been redeemed, they have! But because somehow they are still under the law or believe in the law, therefore, they put themselves in a place of "law, sin and death!". And law itself effectively cuts out the effectiveness of Christ!

So should we feel afraid when we see a believer contracting sickness and wonder, "Oh no! Why a believer is sick? If a believer can be sick, contract a disease and die, will it be me next?" MAYBE WE SHOULDN'T BE AFRAID. Maybe it is because the Bible has already given us the answer of why a believer is sick. Maybe it is simply because the believer has put himself or herself under the law, or believed in the law, thus making himself or herself estranged from Christ with Christ having no effect in their lives. Thus subjecting themselves to the natural order of "Law, sin and death!".

So maybe when we see a believer sick next time, instead of feeling scared, we can tell ourselves, "That is the effect of the law." Pray for that person. Speak to that person. But more importantly, remind ourselves that life exist when Christ is in effect. And Christ is in effect when there is no law. And when there is no law, that means that grace is what give life. Because the opposite of Mount Sinai is Mouth Zion. Because the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the law of sin and death. So we need to now find out and pursue what is this Spirit of life in Christ Jesus. 

Do you think this is it?

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